Yenne Library
A single goal: to bring the joy of reading to as many people as possible! Welcome to the Yenne library!
Holdings: over 16,000 documents (novels, documentaries, biographies, albums, comics, etc.).
Services :
In addition to consulting and borrowing documents, the library provides 3 computer workstations.
Once you have registered with the library, you can access a wide range of digital resources (e-medias):
- National and international online press (numerous titles)
- Self-training (tutoring, adult refresher courses, modern languages, highway code, music, personal development, etc.)
- Online video (some 300 films currently catalogued)
Digital books
Purchasing: You can send us your suggestions. A notebook is available at the circulation desk. The library team will take them into account, within the limits of available resources and the acquisition policy.
Free of charge.