Have a walk with a local lad who will reveal the ties that Man has establishedd with the river. Get the booklet and the secrets of the Rhone River. Easy course. Duration : 2 hours. Starts from Yenne.
Discovery booklet in hand, follow the Rhône kid as he guides you along the 12 markers of the discovery trail.
He'll reveal all the mysteries of the Rhône. Is this majestic river a frontier that separates people or a communication route that connects them?
Look closely and you'll see that the Rhône is alive and kicking, eroding its banks, raging and generating floods, spreading out and weaving lônes into the landscape.
But the Rhône is also home to all kinds of animals, like the beaver, and a multitude of plant species such as water lilies, duckweed, willow, purple willow and many others.
You'll also be able to admire the immense ingenuity with which man has confronted this force of nature. As early as the 18th century, they domesticated it to promote agriculture or produce electricity.
At the end of your tour, this river will hold no more secrets for you!