Ascent of the Saint-Romain hillock, from where you can enjoy a 180° view over the Rhône valley, Yenne and the slopes of the Dent du Chat. The route will take you through the vineyards of Joncieux before gently returning down to the plain.
From the Maison de la Dent du Chat, head towards the church. 50 m further on, turn right and take the passage under the D1504, then the small bridge on your right. Continue on a wide track for 1.5 km.
Turn right to join and cross the D921. The route follows small roads through the hamlet of Les Bernards. You then take the road towards Billième as far as the hamlet of Bas Somont. At the end of the hamlet, take a path on the left that avoids continuing on the main road. The gradient (uphill) here is steep! The route then climbs the road through the vineyards. At the top of this narrow road, take the D210 on your left, then turn left quickly after the bend to reach the top of the Butte Saint-Romain.
From the summit, make a U-turn for 200 m, then turn left onto a track that descends through the vineyards to join the D210 above the village of Jongieux. The descent along the road takes you through a number of hamlets to Barcontian. After this hamlet, cross the D210 to take a track opposite. Leave this track to take a small path on the right, on the hillside. It joins the Rhône plain. Follow the signs to the hamlet of Etain. At Etain, turn right onto a farm track leading to the banks of the Rhône, and follow the Rhône as far as Yenne.